Corruption In Our Government

Published: Tue, 04/23/13

Corruption In Our Government

It is amazing that since 1981, thirty-six (36) members of the United States Congress have been convicted of crimes, including bribery, corruption, possession of marijuana, and manslaughter.

During that same period thirteen American Governors have also been convicted of crimes. Four Governors from Illinois alone have been convicted of crimes and two of those, George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich, are in prison today.

Despite all of this Transparency International actually ranks the United States as the twenty-fourth least politically corrupt country in the world. That organization ranks us more corrupt then Chile and Qatar, but not as corrupt as France or Italy. We have to demand more of those we elect to represent us! As we enter into another, what seems to be ongoing, political season with elections right around the corner. we need to perhaps consider background checks on our candidates. We need to expect more from them, and then, when elected, monitor their actions closely. The only way our society will continue to progress is if we have moral, honest, leadership from those who seek to lead.

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