It has been said that a Will is the most important document that most people will ever write. When you have acquired assets through years of hard work you want a say in who benefits from your labor after you are gone. The only way to insure that your wishes are fulfilled is to write a Will. If you don’t then the state laws where you live will determine who gets your property and conceivably all your work may benefit people who are not in your life, instead of going to
people you choose.
A will is not hard to compose and you can do it yourself, but most experts say that in order to avoid mistakes, you should see a lawyer. Your lawyer will also discuss with you other documents that are important, such as a “living will” and a “durable power of attorney”. You will be surprised at how simple and easy it is to accomplish this task and the costs are truly affordable. We at Davis and Davis have been helping people with their legal needs, including preparing
Wills and Estate Planning, since 1976 and we would be honored to help you or your loved ones.
Call for an appointment!
Samuel J. Davis