Benjamin Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” How many times did your mother warn you with that very statement? Of course, she was talking about your health - eating well, getting enough rest, perhaps using sun screen, and avoiding junk food. If modern medicine
has taught us anything, it has taught us that Mom and Ben were right.
When people call an attorney, they believe they may have a serious legal problem. Usually, when clients come to visit us, it is when they are faced with a perceived or real legal crises. People don’t think about prevention when it comes to lawyers and legal advice. If I might borrow from Mick Jagger, “Old habits die hard.”
In the law, as in medicine,
people can take numerous steps to prevent problems. Estate planning is a perfect example. But rarely do we consider prevention when it comes to protecting ourselves and our families when we purchase automobile insurance. Big insurance markets its product using fear and cost as marketing tools. The message is simple: We will protect you from lawsuits if you injure someone in a car crash and we can do it cheaper.
When purchasing automobile
insurance, the most important thing is the protection of you and your family if you are injured by the negligence of an uninsured or underinsured driver.
In terms of purchasing automobile insurance, the selection of the proper types of coverage, the ounce of prevention is worth much more than one pound of cure.
We urge our clients to purchase Full Tort Insurance and Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage equal to the liability
coverage. An example would be if you purchased $50,000 in liability coverage, you would also purchase $50,000 in Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage. If you own more than one vehicle, we would recommend that the Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage be stacked. We realize that there are many types of insurance coverages a person must choose from and this is a very confusing process analogous to crossing a mine field.
We at Davis &
Davis feel so strongly when it comes to automobile insurance that we invite you to meet with us, free of charge, to review the various selections available. We want to help you obtain the “ounce of prevention” that you and your family surely need.
Nothing is more disheartening than a client who comes to visit us with severe and permanent injuries, only to learn that the other driver was uninsured and they purchased minimal uninsured motorist coverage or the
client who has suffered through months of treatment only to learn that they had selected Limited Tort and could not make any claim for the inconvenience, pain and suffering that they had to endure as a result of another driver’s negligence.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Before purchasing or renewing your automobile insurance, give us a call. We will discuss your insurance with you over the phone or meet with you at our office, free of