When our loved ones reach a time in their life when they can not care for themselves and we are incapable of caring for them, we put our trust in others and pray that they will be provided the best care available. Unfortunately, the research shows that may not always be the case. There will be roughly 3 million nursing
home patients by 2030. Many of them, unfortunately, will be the victims of nursing home negligence. The following facts and tips will help you in choosing and monitoring a nursing home and ultimately determine whether or not litigation should follow an injury suffered by your loved one:
Signs of Abuse and Neglect
- Bed sores
- Bums
- Fear and
- Frequent crying
- Unsanitary conditions
- Unexplained injuries or broken bones
- Bruises and cuts
- Medication overdoses
- Dehydration
- Unexpected and unexplained
Injury Facts
- Nursing home patients typically fall each year and approximately 1,800 patients die each year throughout the country due to nursing home falls.
- Between 16% and 27% of falls are due to environment hazards. Those include poor lighting or wet floors.
- Approximately 35% of
elderly patients who fall are unable to walk.
- Between 10% and 20% of nursing home injuring result in serious physical damage.
- Between 50% and 75% of the elderly patients will suffer from nursing home falls this year!
Of course, you should monitor your loved one in the nursing home. If, however, your concerns are justified and your loved ones suffers an injury
due to nursing home negligence, contact our office - we can help!