When we are children we dream of happily ever after. However, often times our happily ever after is happily ever separated. We tend to associate the word divorce with the word pity. That could not be further from the truth. In many cases, legal separation is the best thing for someone’s
well-being. A custody battle is an entirely different story. Here are some facts you should know before filing for custody.
WHAT IS DIVORCE? Divorce in Pennsylvania is a civil action where one person, Plaintiff files for a separation, and the other is named the Defendant. Pennsylvania has one of the lowest divorce rates that comes out to 9.2 %.
FILING FOR A DIVORCE: In order to file for a divorce in Pennsylvania, one or both of the spouses must have lived in Pennsylvania for six months.
CUSTODY: It is important to remember that a custody hearing is a form
of child protection. Custody is what is best for the child, not the parent. In recent years, the Court has been breaking away from “the child should always be with their mother” mindset.
THE BIG DECISION: In order for a judge to decide who is fit to be the primary guardian of a child, she/he takes many factors into consideration. - Does the parent have a criminal record?
This includes
DUI, and positions of a controlled substance. Remember if you have been charged with a crime in the past, you should not lose hope.
- Has the child been manipulated and psychologically abused?
This means, attempts to turn a child against the other parent. That includes negative comments on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
WAYS TO HELP YOUR CASE: - Deactivate your social media.
Until the divorce is final, make sure all pictures from the past dating back to twenty years are erased. Even if
both parties are amicable and seem like they are on the same page, one comment can make someone snap. Whether you are holding a beer, or walking on the beach, the most innocent picture can damage your entire image.
- Children need stability and support.
Keep your house clean and maintain a safe and loving environment. Instead of going on a date with someone new, have a play date. Bond with your child as much as possible, and speak highly
of their mother/father. A good parent shows up.
- Self love.
In order to be a good parent you must be in good health. Get enough food and rest, stay away from alcohol and drugs. Try to surround yourself with positive people and activities. You have enough real life drama; you do not need to hear about others.
The following is a Client’s
“Shortly after my baby was born, I became suspicious that my husband was having an affair. It turns out I was right, so I contacted Davis & Davis. I met with Attorney Samuel Davis, and he explained what my next steps would be. He helped me feel more comfortable about the situation, and gave me the emotional support I needed to help me get through that difficult time. Most importantly I knew my child’s
well-being was in good hands.” Uniontown Office: 107 East Main St. Uniontown, PA 15401 Phone: 724.437.2799
Brownsville Office: 113 Thorton Road Brownsville, PA Phone: 724.785.7733 |